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Sowing Seeds of Love

Updated: Jul 22

What are we really doing if we are not holding up the hands of the ones who walk beside us?  I have been pondering this thought all week in light of current events.  I have seen first hand how hate seems to steamroll into more hate.  An angry thought turns into a hurtful comment, often retaliated and spread like a California wildfire until the whole town is burning up.   Why is it that hate spreads so forcefully? Love in contrast is light, a small gift we can give someone that brings a steadiness, like a large ship in a storm.  Love stays the course but it is only welcomed in to those that accept it.

In todays elevated political climate I have grown weary of the hate that is so easily spewn.  The way folks on either side attack each other with violent vocabulary.  When did this become ok?  I did not grow up in an extremely religious household but was always taught the most basic golden rule: if you don’t have anything nice to say, do not say anything.  I often find myself turning off the speeches, the news reports ect when little ears are around or even if my grown up ears are tired of the negativity.  It must be exhausting for those so deep in the throws of American politics.  Instead I have chosen to reappropriate my time by sowing more good, more kindness and more love into this world. 

I have always thought it was silly to worry about something that is quite beyond my control.  Instead we each have our own platform that we can make a difference with in our own small way.  Maybe that platform is simply holding the hand of a friend when they are not ok.  Sharing a mug of tea and listening to them for a while.  Showing someone love and providing a safe space for them to confide in you.  Imagine the difference you can make.  Maybe that young man who lashed out and killed a father and injured our former president never had that.  Maybe there was something troubling him and he tried but he couldn’t find the words to ask for help.  What if someone had stopped him that day and shared just a little piece of love with him?  Could that have changed the trajectory of the following hours and spared lives?

Friends, do not underestimate the power of love. When we invite the author of love into our lives to use us as a vessel its incredible the doors that open!  No matter how busy we can get, no matter how crazy life feels.  I challenge each of you reading to take a moment today and hold up someone elses hand.  Make them feel heard, make them feel welcome but most importantly show them love. I’ll leave you with my favorite quote from Corey Ten Boom: “If you look at the world, you will be distressed. If you look within, you will be depressed. If you look at God, you will be at rest.

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