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Saturday to Remember

“How can I help” she said to me with gloved hands reaching out.  I sent the volunteer over to a brush pile that needed trimming and took everything in.  There were so many families buzzing around the tall grass of an old and tired home set just off the road and overgrown with vegetation.  Everyone one was with purpose like bees to a hive.   There were folks weeding once loved gardens tall and lost from years of other priorities taking precedence.  Some were trimming thick brush along the wooden fence line, weed whacking long stemmed grass and others mowing lawn that hadn’t tasted metal in years.  I ventured over to the barn to see the manure packed over my head in the stall.  One man said to another, lets cut it out with a chain saw tile by tile as it was to compacted to pitch with a mere fork. This was how I spent my Saturday with a group of selfless volunteers who were happy to spend time together helping a neighbor. 

The planning came a few weeks back when I got a text from Eric and Emily asking if we knew of anyone in our neighborhood who needed help.  This local woman immediately came to mind.  It had been years since I had seen her but I remember visiting her homestead, an intricate system of food production and self sustainability.  She was in her 80’s by now, widowed and I imagined in need of help with winter coming.  We made the call and she graciously let us come.

I wasn’t sure what to expect.  I had lent a hand at work bees before but they were always simple, quick and felt more like a dutiful service project.  On this day 28 people showed up with some food, tools and the faintest plan of only to serve and bless this neighbor.  Once we got rolling the sight was something to behold.  Men on tractors and with trimmers and chain saws, children in the barn helping pitch manure, ladies maneuvering wheel barrows full of brush to compost, a fence line taken down and another one cleared.  When we first arrived the grass was up to my waist in some places but the landscape crew made light work of the grass and when everyone was done it was stunning.

This beautiful homestead had so many years of love poured into it but it had also seen so many hard life challenges.  Amazingly after a few short hours the volunteers had reclaimed it back to a functioning, beautiful refuge, a gathering place.  We broke for lunch around the tailgate of a truck.  I find that food tastes so much better after some sweat equity and shared with friends.  The woman started to thank the group and folks kept returning their appreciation.  It feels so good to genuinely help a need.  Its even more incredible to look back and see how 28 people with various skill sets can make such a difference in a few hours.

On top of all the work, such good conversations were had.  I remember stepping aside for  a moment as a friend encouraged me, it filled my cup after a long week.  Throughout the day I saw so many others do the same, laughing, sharing stories and genuinely enjoying their time.  What an incredible blessing it was to be a part of this time of community.   This was the best way I have ever spent a Saturday.  Thank you to all who came, who shared and who supported, I have a feeling there will be more of these opportunities in the future.  

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I love this Kristina! So glad you all were able to bless her, and experience the blessing together.

Mi piace
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