It is sugaring season on the farm and that means the maple sap and syrup is flowing! Most people when they think about maple associate it with pancakes but there is so much more it can be used for. Did you know most of the sugar cane we consume in America is imported which means it travels a far distance and the environmental cost is high.

Not only is maple syrup one of the best options for the environment it is also good for your body. Maple sap is naturally high in essential vitamins and minerals. Consuming maple syrup is like taking a powerhouse multi vitamin. I use it in a lot of recipes for balancing electrolytes when my family gets sick.
Additionally, maple syrup has a lower glycemic index than white sugar, meaning that it does not cause as drastic of a spike in blood sugar levels. Because maple syrup is sweeter than white sugar, you may also find that you need to use less of it to achieve the same level of sweetness in your final product, thereby reducing the overall amount of sugar in your baked good.
So, if you’re looking for a natural sweetener that’s a bit healthier than white sugar, maple syrup is a good option. Just keep in mind that it will impart a different flavor to your recipes.

Some might be intimidated by its liquid form so to ease into swapping out your sugar habit for maple syrup you can try it in things like, your morning coffee, yogurt bowls, or smoothies. As you get a knack for the amount of sweetness you desire you can begin substituting maple syrup in your baking. I started to learn about how it behaves by subbing out half the sugar for maple syrup in things like cookies and cakes. From there I began to decrease my other liquids and eventually used 100% maple syrup and no sugar for baking. You will probably find that you use a lot less sweetener than the recipe calls for because maple syrup is so rich.
If you’re curious about the process of making Maple Syrup join Sunny Cove Farm for our annual Maple Days Friday and Saturday March 17 & 18 from 12-6pm.
