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A Dose of My Own Advice


A Dose of My Own Advice


Well, you will never believe what happened to me this week.  I was the recipient of a random act of kindness, and I froze and had no idea how to respond.  I am honestly so humbled.

I was about to embark on a long drive home and stopped at a local coffee shop that had a drive through in Buffalo.  I ordered my extra-large ice coffee at 6pm and the girl behind the speaker said “ok I got you, pull around to the window.”  I just assumed she meant she would total it there but to my surprise she greeted me at the window with my drink and refused my card, she repeated “no, I got you!”  When the gears in my brain clicked into recognition of what she was saying I ran out of words.  I stuttered out.

“Are you serious, thank you so much!”

…. and then I spent the next 30 seconds frozen, blinking at her as she just smiled back at me.

 Awkwardly I pulled away, laughing at myself and upset that I was not witty enough to even muster a blessing, praise, an encouragement or anything for this kind stranger. 

Humbled I just drove away.  I spent the next few hours mulling over why this random act of kindness had flustered me so much.

Sadly, I realized that receiving an act of kindness is shocking because it's just not common.  We live in an age where folks are only aware of what's in their bubble and not often anything outside of it.  More often than not doors close in front of me, a smile to a stranger is not returned and small talk is almost nonexistent.  I preach and I try to live to be the change but now the fire is lit in me even more. 

If we are not careful to pay attention to those around us, I am afraid culturally we are in for a massive shift.  Every man for himself is the common attitude I see from our leaders.  Not me, I want to lead by holding the hands of my employees.  I want to lead from my knees in humility.  I want to say NO I have a voice, and I will preach kindness, I will preach true love until my last breath.

So, I challenge you today, lets make random acts of kindness commonplace.  Let’s get radical folks!

Thanks for reading my thoughts today, I always just want to reiterate if you need an ear to hear, if you need prayer or if you just need some community I hope you reach out!  Our farm is open 7 days a week, we can’t wait to see you there!



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